Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you like my new poem?


Under the railing

I watch for the robin

To tell me that Spring

Is coming again

I wait for the sunshine

And blooming of clover

Moistening earth

As the garden begins

I see the young sprouting

And creeping moss greening

Hollyhock reaches,

Up for the sky

Soon I will be there

Among the Spring flowers

As I slowly change

To a pink butterfly


Do you like my new poem?mr messed up

Very good cadence, easy to read and enjoyable.

Do you like my new poem?getting late opera theater

Whoa! Rythmn is excellent, end ryhme on every other stanza caught me off guard...well thought out and presented. Resolution in the last stanza is at once sad and soothing. GREAT...what else can I say....except...

Good Morning!
Very good
sweet and springy...
Nice. thanks.
I love it!
There's that longing for Spring again....Then I turn and look out the window and it seems like it will never come!

My new term for shoveling snow is "Winter gardening!"

Very good poem, as usual! :-)
This poem is great i must confess... I can also write poems but not as good as anyones on here. Nice job keep it up!
i like itt=]
Good one. Thank you for sharing. Love, honey
I thought it was beautiful! Well done. Strangely enough it had a very 'refreshing' feel to reading it. I could picture a beautiful blue skied day. You must have talent! Please don't stop writing - I'd love to read more of your poetry!
It's nice
My favorite so far for today. Can't wait for spring. I always feel I will live again for another year once I make it through the winter.
Yes. Its quite invigorating reading that with the sun shining through the window.
Very Nice....!!
Great!!! writings,, Congrats!!!
Now this one I like. It is too well written and I like the thought of spring flowers, butterflies and all.

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