Thursday, December 10, 2009

My normally happy baby has been miserable for the past month, cries all time n has stopped sleepin t

Since my son was 6 weeks old he used to sleep thru til 7 and was always happy and smiley. Now he regularly wakes up during the night, and screams hysterically all day. He is regularly constipated and always gets over heated, he is like a totally different baby and I cant cope with the stress, am due to start him at the childminders next week and am petrified they wont be able to manage him. He has been teething for a while, but pain relief does not help him. Just want my happy baby back, feel like a bad parent coz cant make him happy! He is only quiet for dad when his dad walks around with him, and gets boiling arms and feet in any house other than his own, leading to unstoppable screaming even when he is stripped off. Am at my wits end, and fast running out of ideas to make it all better!! Want my cheerful ray of sunshine back :-( Thought children were supposed to get better, not worse...he's now 5 months old and very grumpy!!!!

My normally happy baby has been miserable for the past month, cries all time n has stopped sleepin thru! Help!listen to opera

He could be teething. Check his gums and if they look swollen and he's drooling a lot give him some infant tylenol and orajel. He should be over it once the teeth are through.

My normally happy baby has been miserable for the past month, cries all time n has stopped sleepin thru! Help!concert venue opera theater

i agree with the others, teething. your husband has a deeper voice than you do, i found with my daughter that was very soothing to her. call the doc and see if they can recommend anything a little stronger for the pain. other than that, try the frozen teethers, they seem to really help. i would get several, it sounds like you wont want to run out of them.

good luck, i hope he feels better soon.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a time with your baby. I would stop giving pain meds if they are not helping. I would rule out colic because of age- therefore I tend to think that possibly your baby is not tolerating his formula well. Have you tried soy? How much does your baby sleep. He could be exhausted. An over tired baby will not sleep as well at night. Try laying him down more often during the day. And, don't worry about the childminders- the expereince that they have will make taking care of your baby a breeze and I encourage you to ask for and take ANY advice they have about settling your baby down.
I'll bet he's teething. If he is, this will pass and you'll have your happy baby back soon!
Take him to the pediatrician. Maybe he's developed allergies and you need to change your diet (I'm assuming you're breastfeeding)?

Then try to find a way to get some time away from him. Can you have a friend/relative watch him for an hour or so? It sounds like you're really stressed out, and that just stresses the baby out.
have you gone to the doctor to make sure nothing is wrong? like an ear infection, or worse?

are you feeding him enough? i know my 4 m old cries relentlessly when he is hungry.

oh my gosh i hope this works out fast for you. i know the sense of desperation i have when my child cries even for 5 minutes. best wishes to all 3 of you!!!

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